While I am not surprised, I have come to really appreciate how technology can really motivate DEEP THINKING. I have had several experiences recently where students have dug deeply into a topic with focus, persistence and passion just because I have offered them a new tool to show their learning. The tool itself does not drive the instruction, but MOTIVATES students to jump in. Here are my most recent examples…
1. Using Haiku Deck to have students identify the theme or answer through line questions for a literature book.
2. Creating a website for students to display work for an electricity unit… www.mus4electricity.com Work still coming, but the level of enthusiasm for the discovery of this study has been amazing.
3. Designing 3-d models using Google Sketchup. Students will never look at a mission in the same way. This task was by no means easy, but the level of persistence was admirable. They have a new found appreciation for architecture and the way it impacted and was utilized in history.
4. Using Popplet Lite, students took pictures of all the ways they could make a certain amount of money. Students worked in teams and loved making this discovery and showing what they knew about money.
How have you seen technology MOTIVATE your students?